Introducing our Featured Artists!

Art for Jobs 2022 is just around the corner, and we are thrilled to announce the featured artists for the event! We would like to introduce you to Mosal Morszart, Meghean Warner, and Matthew Hasty.

Mosal Morszart

Mosal has long been recognized as one of the city’s top artists, and has also gained national attention from his participation in showcases and galleries around the country. He paints from the heart and you can feel his knowledge of art forms along with contemporary styles.

Spending his childhood in Memphis, Mosal grew up in the home of the blues, and studied at the Memphis College of Art as an adult.

He spent years perfecting his signature work, and the majority of his pieces are inspired by his American experiences, pop music and icons, and the culture itself!

Meghean Warner

Meghean Warner is an acrylic artist, wife, and mother to her three children. She studied at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX, and received her BFA in Theater Studies.

Much of her time was spent designing costumes and sets, which gave her a love for working on large canvases! She went on to teach elementary art, but after having her third child, decided to make the leap and pursue painting as a full-time career.

She currently paints in her garage studio, which often has both traces of her work and her children’s bikes and scooters! Meghean’s work is inspired by Memphis, God’s glorious creation, and the wonderful people in her city.

Matthew Hasty

Matthew Hasty began his craft from a very young age, and was influenced by his mother, who was an artist herself. Born in Memphis, Matthew moved around the South most of his childhood.

He studied art at Ringling School of Art and Design, earning his BFA in Fine Arts. After receiving his degree, Matthew moved to New York for a time, but never truly felt at home, and soon found himself back in the South.

Inspired by the luminous colors of nature, he creates beautiful landscapes of the South. Matthew considers his work to be inspired by landscape painters of the 19th century. His paintings can be found in galleries across the country as well as Russia, Germany, France, and South Korea.


You’re Invited!


Art for Jobs Countdown!