Classes Overview
Our classes help residents of the 38126 & 38106 zip codes to recognize their value as uniquely-gifted individuals designed by our Creator, to find joy and meaning in work. Building on that, each of our classes is a stepping stone towards financial independence, providing practical tools for personal and professional growth.
Work Life
A soft skills job training class for people who are unemployed or underemployed.
Faith & Finances
A financial literacy class that empowers participants to track expenses, develop a budget, prepare for emergencies, avoid debt, and more.
Forklift Training
A certified forklift driver training program for Work Life students and graduates.
Advance Memphis Staffing
Our on-site staffing agency provides employment opportunities for class graduates through our business partners.
Employment Development
Assists Work Life graduates with resumes, employment applications, job searches, and more.
Individual Development Accounts
A matched savings program that allows Faith & Finances graduates to receive $2 for every $1 deposited into a savings account for an asset purchase.
Addiction Recovery
Twice a week we offer an addiction recovery support group as part of our initiative to help students achieve holistic success.
Counseling Support
We offer free therapy sessions to all students and graduates in partnership with local counselors.