Marilyn's Magic Cleaning Service

You may have seen news about Marilyn in the past; she’s one of our star LAUNCH grads and she’s building Marilyn’s Magic Cleaning into a very successful business.

Marilyn spent 2014 saving money in an Individual Development Account and used her earnings and her matched savings to purchase the industrial vacuum you see here, which comes with lots of bells and whistles. She also used the saved and matched dollars to purchase a floor buffer!

In addition to using her IDA for the vacuum these business assets, Marilyn also made the decision to trade in the nice sedan she had for this (also nice!) mini van. She said her friends and family thought she was crazy, but she knew that this would be the best vehicle for her business.

We caught Marilyn as she left one of her residential cleaning jobs and got this picture with the vacuum, which is incredibly excited about. There’s no stopping an entrepreneur who makes thoughtful investments in her business the way Marilyn does! Marilyn’s business serves a growing number of residential and commercial clients, but is always looking for more. If you need professional cleaning services, or know somebody who might, give Marilyn’s Magic Cleaning a call at 901.900.5177.

Chris Porter

Creative agency building standout brands & outstanding experiences. Principals Ben Colar & Dan Price, with Partner Chris Porter.

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