Keeping up with Advance: Q1 2022 Newsletter

From Steve Nash, Our Executive Director

Dear Friends:

If you are short on encouragement these days, I hope this newsletter, which you might think is long on words, will be rich on encouragement. So, grab a coffee, get in your favorite spot to read, and DO NOT hit the delete button just yet-PLEASE.

Paula Jones is Advance Memphis's first second-generation indigenous employee!!! Her Mom, Francie, was the first South Memphian hire 20 years ago. I met Paula's mom at New Beginnings Community Church (NBCC), where my wife and girls were members 20 years ago at the corner of E.H. Crump and Dudley St. I would see Paula and then lose contact over the next decade or so until Paula reconnected with Advance Memphis in 2012 through our Jobs for Life class, now Work Life, and our Faith and Finances Class. She graduated from both classes and developed a relationship with a volunteer named Megan. This volunteer role turned into a 10-year friendship that has required hard work for both ladies, as healthy relationships are reciprocal. Megan had the honor of being asked to be in Paula's wedding to Antonio.

Paula went on to graduate from our LAUNCH entrepreneurship class, and she started Elnora's Angels catering business. Advance Memphis utilized her catering services, and we also employed Paula through our staffing agency until she got a FULL-TIME job at Memphis Mental Health Institute. We all rejoiced, and Paula almost celebrated her three years there, but Juanita (Director of Employment Development) had an idea. We all knew Mark, RP, and Shundreka were buried in work at the warehouse. We were looking for a full-time warehouse clerk. When Juanita suggested Paula, I thought "you are crazy." (This is a familiar dance I have with Juanita.) Paula didn't have any warehouse clerk experience and Microsoft Excel isn't a familiar friend to her. (Or me!)

Well, King Jesus has proven me wrong again and my wise colleague, Juanita's intuition is right once again. Paula is getting our invoicing in consistently on Mondays for our billion-dollar global customer from California. God is as good as his Word teaches. I am amazed by His gifts to Advance Memhpis- Paula, our FT warehouse clerk, and an outsourcing customer who allows Advance Memphis to create 14-18 temporary jobs in South Memphis, and permanent jobs across the country. I do not want to end without going back to the church of Jesus Christ. Paula started worshipping at Downtown Church in 2017, which meets at Streets Ministries on Vance Ave and sometimes she is successful in getting ALL 9 children to worship with her and her husband. Advance Memphis remains committed to long-term relationships in South Memphis and we look forward to many more years with Paula.

Steve Nash

New Events on the Block

We are so excited for the opportunity to reconnect with our South Memphis family in 2022, as we hosted our first Block Party earlier this month!

On April 2, neighbors came to our community garden and enjoyed food, face painting, bouncy houses, music, and most importantly, our community. There were familiar faces as we reached out to our Advance Memphis graduates, as well as some new neighbors who joined us for an afternoon of fun and fellowship.

For this event, we were blessed to have First Evangelical Church partner with us! They provided food, volunteers, and hospitality, helping to make this long-anticipated event a success. We had other community Organizations such as the South City Resource Center and LaRose Elementary School come and connect with us as well.

This is the just first of several Block Parties we are planning on this year as we pursue long-term relationships and opportunities to get to know our neighbors! Partner with us in fostering community in our city, and contact Gina Johnson for more information about how to get involved!

A Word From Our Grads

Blanchie’s Story

Meet Ms. Blanchie Redding, one of our Faith and Finances graduates. Blanchie took the class in 2018 and said it impacted not only her finances, but her relationship with God as well. Faith and Finances is a class focused on basic money management and building consistent practices of tracking expenses, budgeting, and setting long term savings goals.

“What the Faith and Finances class taught me was to have faith in God, and faith without works is dead"… "So, the Faith and Finances basically, summarizing everything: you always put God in what you’re in,” said Blanchie.

Before the class, Blanchie shared that she worked, but the money never made it into savings. After taking the class, however, she created what she called “a financial vision”.

“You got to go in and see what you need to do…I build that financial vision and I run with it.", she said.

Since her graduation, she has continued to maintain these ongoing savings practices. Blanchie said that what she learned has been beneficial for both her and her family.

“Even today, I am caregiver over two of my blood brothers, who are veterans. And I have access to their monies, where I have to budget their monies…So I think that God elevated me… I didn’t even think about that, as far as relating that to my Faith and Finances [class], but that’s where I got my discipline.”

Blanchie had some advice for those considering taking Faith and Finances, saying, “I would say that it will bring you out of poverty. Financial poverty. If you go to the class and participate, you know, you got to participate. It’s gonna change you. You’re gonna come out of that poverty.”

Tristen’s Story

At Advance Memphis, we believe that true life change only takes place over time, and within the context of community. Tristen McClanahan came to us in December of last year after learning about us from staff at Project WIT, a halfway house for men who were formerly encarcerated.

He graduated from our Work Life class and got his forklift certification, which he said opened up more opportunities for him in the workforce.

“I wanted a second chance in finding a good job and opportunity to take my skills to the next step. I never imagined becoming a forklift driver till I came through Work Life and it’s more jobs, pay, [and] experience.” he said.

Since his Work Life graduation, he started working with WM Barr, packing boxes on the assembly line and making mold test kits. Tristen has already been offered his first promotion within the company, being offered a position as an Order Picker!

Before graduating his Work Life class, Tristen started our evening Faith and Finances class as well, sometimes walking the trek to class and home in the dark and in the elements. He focused on learning how to manage the money he is making at WM Barr, and opened a matched savings account with us. Currently, he is saving money for a car.

“I learned in Faith and Finances that it would be better to just work the program and save up for a car [instead of taking a loan]. They taught me about interest rates and how it’s going to be higher and cost more money in the end instead of saving day by day.” he said.

In the class, Tristen learned about more than just interest rates, saying it deepened his faith as well.

“The staff at Advance Memphis motivated me to do both classes. [I’m] becoming closer to God and getting spiritually fit for what I want to do.” Tristen graduated Faith and Finances, is actively saving, and just started taking GED classes through the Goodwill Excel Center this week!

When asked what advice he would give to other students, this is what Tristen had to say: “My advice would be don’t be lazy... Come to the class, it will pay off in the long run…I come from the mud, I come from poverty, and drug addiction...If I can change, anybody can change.”

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

1. Meal Provider - Sign Up
2. Work Life Ally - Learn More
3. Mock Interviewer - Learn More

Want to learn about other ways you can get involved? Email Gina at!


May Prayer Letter


Won’t You be our Neighbor?